Your CROP Hunger Walk donation

When you support the CROP Hunger Walk, you are helping Church World Service provide emergency relief, grassroots development and refugee assistance.  If, however, you would prefer to channel your gift to a different international humanitarian organization, please put that agency’s name or initials in the box, labeled alternate agency.  This option – a major difference between CROP Hunger Walks and other events – is only available to individual donors.

Here is a sample list of options.  If your preferred U.S.-based international humanitarian agency isn’t listed below you can still type the name or common abbreviation in the box.

ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency)
AFSC (American Friends Service Committee)
AJJDC (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee)
BWA (Baptist World Aid/Baptist World Alliance)
CWS (Church World Service—the standard designation)
CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship)
CRWRC (Christian Reformed World Relief Committee)
HI (Heifer International)
HOPE (Project HOPE)
IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities)
LWR (Lutheran World Relief)
MAP (Medical Assistance Program)
MCC (Mennonite Central Committee)
NCM (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries)
OI (Outreach International)
SBIMB (Southern Baptist International Mission Board)
UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee)
WR/NAE (World Relief/National Association of Evangelicals)

Note: This option is not available when making a donation as part of the registration process.